Jobs Abroad – Work Abroad

How to start looking for jobs abroad? You must select the country in which you will look for a suitable vacancy. The main point when choosing a country will be the language barrier that you have to face. In the process of job search and employment, you will have to correspond and talk with native speakers of the chosen country. This can cause a number of inconveniences, it is worth thinking about it at this stage.
The next step is to find a suitable job. A selection of sites with vacancies for different countries will help you with this.
Jobs in Poland
List of sites with vacancies for job search in Poland.
Jobs in Latvia
List of sites with vacancies for job search in Latvia.
Jobs in Lithuania
List of sites with vacancies for job search in Lithuania.
The last and most important stage is the creation of a CV (Curriculum Vitae). CV is an analogue of a resume in the post-Soviet space. Pay special attention to filling it out – it’s akin to your first job in a new position. Almost all of these services have the ability to create and download a CV. In order not to fill out a resume on each site, it is enough to fill it out on one, and on the rest, fill in part of the data using the previously prepared one. This saves a lot of time and effort.
Good luck in your job search abroad!